The purpose of the summer school in the direction of "Innovative technologies and technical means in agriculture" is to implement the international academic mobility of students, undergraduates, doctoral students, as well as teachers and researchers, to acquaint them with the latest innovations in the field of agricultural engineering
School tasks:
- Familiarization of students with international experience in the efficient use of energy resources and renewable energy sources.
- Studying the principles and methods of energy saving, as well as increasing the efficiency of agricultural production through the use of innovative technologies and technical means;
- Familiarization of students with international experience in the effective use of agricultural machinery in the conditions of modern agricultural production;
- Mastering innovative methods of modeling and managing technological processes in the agro-industrial complex.
- Studying methods for improving the energy efficiency of agricultural production based on smart technologies, automation and robotization of technological processes.
To ensure the academic mobility of students, long-term agreements, memorandums of cooperation with leading foreign universities have been concluded: the University of North Dakota, USA; Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland; Rousse University. Angela Kancheva, Bulgaria; Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University, Republic of Belarus. Participants during the summer school will have study tours to the Moinak HPP, Scientific and Production Center Agroengineering LLP, as well as visit cultural events in the botanical garden and the Medeo high-mountain skating rink in Almaty. Also, during the summer school, a competition of start-up projects is planned. The best works will be published in the journal "Research, Results".
Keshuov Seitkazy Asylseitovich - head of the school "Innovative technologies and technical means in agriculture" is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Keshuov Seitkazy Asylseitovich.
Keshuov Seitkazy Asylseitovich is a major specialist in the field of electric drive of agricultural machines. Since 2009, General Director of Scientific and Production Center of Agroengineering LLP.
Developed a direction of scientific research - a methodology for synthesizing the optimal structure of complex technical systems, taking into account their operational properties, functional and structural perfection and environmental conditions. I determined the zones of optimal application of various energy transmission systems to the working body in a mobile agricultural unit and energy supply systems for agro-industrial complex objects based on various types of renewable energy sources. Developed the theory of an autonomous electric drive of the working bodies of mobile agricultural machines. Under his leadership, 9 electrified machines and devices were developed and introduced into production.
Under his leadership, experimental models of electrified garden care machines, devices that improve the operating modes of autonomous electric drives, an autonomous electric drive system with optimized voltage parameters and improved performance properties were developed.
Author of more than 260 scientific and methodological works and articles, including 8 monographs, 11 textbooks and manuals, 17 inventions, 16 articles in peer-reviewed scientific publications included in the Scopus database. He was the organizer and participant of many international and national scientific forums.
The results of research work were introduced in the Republican concern "Agropromenergo", NGO "Agroremmash", NGO "Almaly" and other enterprises and farms.
University named after Angel Kanchev, Bulgaria, head of the department "Automation and mechatronics"
University named after Angel Kanchev, Bulgaria, Vice-Rector for Development, Coordination and continuing education
Rector, University named after Angel Kanchev, Bulgaria
Head of the Department of Physics and Chemistry, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Head Dept. Departments of "Physics and Chemistry" National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers"
Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers
Ph.D, ass. Professor at California State Polytechnic University (USA)
Professor of the Department "Power Supply and Automation of Technological Processes" South Ural State Agrarian University
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physics and Chemistry, Tashkent State Agrarian University
Those wishing to participate in ISS-2022 should send an application by May 25, 2022 (till 17.00, Almaty).
The ISS-2022 Coordinating Councils will screen applications and will send a letter of invitation to participants by May 27, 2022.
Candidates must confirm their participation in ISS-2022 by May 30, 2022.
Participation in ISS-2022, accommodation at the expense of KAZNARU
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